The Gift of Volunteering

Thank you for your interest in the Work Exchange program. The concentration is on developing a
sustainable eco-system and offering a “FarmStay” opportunity with a twist of organic gardening and living
harmoniously with nature, having happenings which promote and maintain natural health remedies and

The Flow

The volunteer contributes project support or assistance for 20 – 25 hours per week being fully immersed in projects in exchange for accommodations. Volunteering is usually short-term, lasting a few weeks to a few months, depending on project needs and the volunteer’s availability for his or her stay.

Volunteers usually require no previous experience or formal education for participants. However, experience or learning desire will be very helpful in accepting a volunteer’s placement request. At the very minimum, it is requested that Volunteers have a deep desire to learn and participate in their interested projects. A primary goal is sharing knowledge and experience with Volunteers to help improve their skills and provide a valuable learning experience for the Volunteer. This assists to match Volunteers with projects where their skills and interests are complimentary.

Food and Meals

A volunteer committing to at least two weeks of service will be provided staple foods and some accessory foods for at least one meal – and most times two meals – a day. Staple foods are generally considered to be basic items of food that makeup a significant portion of an individual’s diet and are usually prepared at home and consumed as a major component of a meal. Accessory foods are considered to be food items consumed as snacks, desserts or foods that augment the staple foods. Accessory foods include items that complement or supplement meals, such as most beverages and spices. Because a little spice in life together with accessories can create rewarding experiences, being open to negotiate the Volunteer’s requests for additional benefits provides an opportunity to share and learn about our deeper selves. Therefore, an effort is always made to fulfill and satisfy all requests.

Apply Below
We encourage people from many categories including those from diverse cultures, and, specifically, those who are retired and are seeking to travel and share their knowledge and skills with younger generations, building effective and positive relationships through personal interactions. It is extremely import to the health of all participants to experience the health benefits volunteering can provide.

We offer other opportunities for those who are seeking temporary, gratuitous assistance. Volunteers will be expected to submit a deposit to reserve their spot and commit to a minimum of 30 days of volunteer service. We are limited to no more than eight volunteers at one time and have very few openings as those tend to fill rapidly.