Sound healing, alternatively known as Sound Therapy or Vibrational Medicine (VibroAcoustic Therapy), is the practice of using sound and frequency for relaxation, healing and personal development. Sound Healing is the application of Healing frequencies to the physical and subtle energy fields around the body. These healing or therapeutic frequencies and sounds are delivered via, live sound therapy sessions, the Voice, vocal Overtone Singing and a variety of sound healing tools such as Tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, quartz crystal bowls, monochords as well as those from more Shamanic Sound Healing traditions, such as digeridoo, Native drum, Native flute, rattles and so on.

According to the law of physics everything in the universe vibrates with frequency. Human beings have their own frequencies too, also known as resonances. Sound healing is based on the belief that disregulation or disease in the body is a result of our natural resonance being out of tune or off balance, whether due to stress, illness or environmental factors, and that working with frequencies can bring your body back into healthy vibration.

Eastern spiritual traditions used instruments like gongs for ceremony and healing over three thousand years ago.  In biblical times, instruments were used to vanquish evil spirits from human souls. More recently ultrasound, an accepted and frequent medical intervention, is a form of sound healing using focused and fast vibrations.