We have reached a point in our history where we have the opportunity to live every moment with integrity. We can choose harmony with ourselves, all those around us, and our planet. This can be done in a way that better fulfills our human needs and provides us lives that are rich, vibrant, and meaningful. This is a necessary step for establishing a culture with cooperative and proactive values as a path to universal transformation.

What Are The Fundamental Needs

Foundational human needs are conscious and unconscious values needing to have been met to be truly happy and fulfilled. Having these needs met is essential to fulfilled living.

Those six human needs are:

  • Certainty/Comfort: Although there is no absolute certainty, we all want comfort. Comfort is established through certainty and each person’s comfort differs.
  • Connection/Love: As social animals, humans require at least a minimal level of connection to one another. This is necessary in building and supporting meaningful relationships.
  • Significance: This provides a level of importance for all individuals.
  • Variety: In order to remain harmonious and balanced, there needs to be a certain amount of uncertainty, the knowing that an individual has choices and creativity.
  • Contribution: Contributing something of value creates self-worth.
  • Growth: This is a foundation of culture that assures the effort one subjects presents intrinsic and extrinsic value.

At Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center, we aspire to ascertain meeting these fundamental human needs through compassion, patience and understanding. It is only through these fundamental necessities are we able to heal from past lives and traumas to attain a higher state of well being.