Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center is an environmentally and ecologically aligned transformative community focused on curated wellness experiences through holistic practices. We incorporate sustainable cultivation of self healing and health awareness. We promote healthy lifestyles, environmental conservation, eco-system management, and open innovation within our community, thereby promoting the ideals that universal issues can be solved through awareness, collective consciousness, and access to viable resources.

The Æther is the essence medium of consciousness from which all existence arises. It is the invisible substructure underpinning the universe and it is the dynamic space medium that permeates all space. It is the Source of all Reality. The Æther is Invisible, conscious, intelligent, self-organizing, infinite, and highly ordered.  Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center is an imaginative facility, currently operating through the Æther of consciousness and the vision of the individual. Upon completion of the facility, Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center will become a reality neatly nestled in a post oak savanna forest less than an hour east of Austin, Texas.

Physical and Spiritual Cleanliness

The importance of physical and spiritual cleanliness and well-being is recognized as important as striving to attain purity and avoid pollution internally and externally. This aspiration lends itself to a reverence for water and integration of water into many events and activities. As it is believed in many spiritual practices that water has cleansing powers, that belief system and practice is perpetuated through the ideal that without clean and unpolluted water life as it is known today would not exist. 

Ground water sourced from mother earth, Gaia, through complex channeling, is available for consumption. This ground water is available near our sinks and in water dispensers located throughout the facility. Where applicable, reverse osmosis water is the final filtration process where water receives a seven stage purification process including ultraviolet processing and re-mineralization, introducing a complete pH balance. This is the final stage prior to being available for consumption. Water supplied through other sources is used in sinks, showers, tubs and toilets.

Naturally sourced water is used in organic regenerative agriculture and organic gardening. Rain water collection is being designed and implemented to supplement those resources.

Where available, deep-well water is located throughout the facility in clearly marked dispensers. You are invited to consume the naturally sourced deep-well water.

Physical and Mental Health

Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center also considers that long-lasting physical and mental health and self-improvement is possible through the combination of three aspects: nutrition, mindfulness, and movement. Healthy lifestyles are promoted through Ayurvedic practices, remaining mindful in our thoughts and actions, and through meditation, yoga and nature walks.
When you attend a private event through personal invitation, you will receive organic foods that have been precluded of bio-engineering and genetically modified organisms. You receive meals of foods that are raised either at Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center through private organic regenerative agriculture programs, locally raised agricultural resources, and locally sourced organic products from the surrounding communities when and where reasonably available.


To further improve health practices and positively affect continued personal health and the health of our planet, we invite groups and individuals to host, facilitate or attend events, activities or services where remaining balanced and harmonious is the main focus.

Note: Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center does not endorse nor subscribe to any one spiritual philosophy. You can read more about the philosophy on spirituality and religion on the Spiritual Freedom Page. The respect of Human Rights is observed and are viewed as globally applicable to all humans created by and living under the Creator’s authority.