Essential oils used in aromatherapy are typically extracted from various parts of plants and then distilled. The highly concentrated oils may be inhaled directly or indirectly or applied to the skin through massage, lotions or bath salts. Some essential oil manufacturers have oils that can be taken internally. Many essential oils have been shown to be safe when used as directed. Moreover, essential oils used in aromatherapy aren’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, which is fantastic news!

Aromatherapy is thought to work by stimulating nasal receptors, sending messages to the limbic system – the part of the brain that controls emotions – and releases endorphins (pain or stress chemicals produced naturally in the body as a coping mechanism) and hormones necessary to initiate peripheral nervous system healing including the enteric and parasympathetic response systems. Aroma therapy focuses on the “flight-or-fight” neurological state.

Aroma therapy is known to have health benefits which may include:

  • Stress relief
  • Increase energy levels
  • Stimulates healing
  • Reduces headaches
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Regulate sleep
  • Pain relief
  • Digestive support
  • Antidepressant

Aromatherapy can be quite complex, involving carrier oils, absolutes, herbal distillates, vaporizer oils, and phytoncides. Our private or small group aroma therapy room offers a combination of assorted essential oils involved with therapies. Our trained aroma therapist is available to guide you in selecting the combination suitable for your desired relief.