Being invited to be your best self here is open to wide interpretation. Perhaps that includes designing an art project, developing a weekly plan, working on your state of health, or creating activities based upon your interests to share for generations to come.

Your healing, prayer, meditation, self-reflection and connection to a deeper consciousness is highly valued; transformation can be complicated. There are boundaries in place for the benefit of all. When faced with challenging moments you are encouraged to share the experience with your fellow community members as necessary while maintaining decorum. You are welcome here and invited to embrace the core values which are defined within.

Being an environmentally and ecologically aligned transformative community, that means remaining conscious about all aspects of our lives is important. That consciousness includes remaining aligned with ARWC values. It is emphasized that the practice and promotion of a minimalist lifestyle (minimalism and intentional living), and the implementation of practices to reduce, reuse, re-purpose, recycle and rethink when using resources is exercised. This can be a life altering experience, changing the way you think, act and live.

Emphasis is placed on basic values such as:

  • Compassion – having the presence of mind to develop an awareness and understanding of one who may be experiencing and working through a difficult moment or experience.
  • Forethought – considering the impact and reception of actions, forming clear thought before acting, and developing a clear understanding before implementation.
  • Gratitude – being present with ourselves and our perceptions while remaining mindful and realizing the gifts of one another, therefore nourishing value in all who we meet.
  • Stewardship – mindfully tending to our environment, applying resource management while striving to improve all life forms with which we may impact.
  • Community – facilitating places where people are able to collaborate, share thoughts, express feelings, and provide space to promote personal and mutual growth while remaining respectful of others.
  • Sustainability – eliminate waste and destruction, produce and provide abundance with the ability to continue without scarcity through implementing environmentally and ecologically mindful practices.
  • Productivity – actively and efficiently contribute toward the advancement of humanity.
  • Self-awareness – remaining conscious of how we share and know ourselves, thereby accepting our attributes while remaining free in respectful self expression while embracing our true selves and promoting an experience of a deeper intrinsic understanding.
  • Transparency – being clear with intentions, actions and motivations through clear and positive communications while remaining unhindered by fear, therefore gaining trust and forming meaningful relationships.
  • Accountability – taking ownership and responsibility for actions, commitments and intentions.

We invite you to adopt these principles throughout all your journeys both during your interactions for years to come.