Key applications such as rethink, refuse and reconnect are highlighted during this class. There is always more that individuals and organizations can do to promote and support environmental continuity, sustainability and regeneration. As it is well known, our impact on this planet has a huge effect on aquatic and air quality. Our decisions affect every aspect of our own health and the health of all life forms in our waters, on the land and in the sky. This includes both flora and fauna, and without our conscious decistion to nuture it, none of this would exist for us to enjoy now or for years to come.

Part of our commitment to the community and global impact is to actively participate in maintaining an environment free of refuse and abundant with healthy options including water, food and natural environments. Our volunteers and many of our guests participate in beach and jungle walks while collecting and properly disposing an assortment of discard items found along the trails and beaches. We invite community members to participate in the class and invite them to engage in discussions regarding the impact improper disposal has on the immediate community and the surrounding environment.

Through the “Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rethink and Repair” sessions you will learn the steps in becoming more environmentally and ecologically supportive and be inspired to participate in activities promoting the philosophy.. The class is geared toward beginner and intermediate level interests and includes attending the Yoga and Meditation activities during your visit. All who are interested in gleaning or sharing knowledge are invited to join a class.