Tantra, as a practice, and tantric therapy, such as tantric massage, can be a very powerful vehicle for therapeutic change and sexual trauma recovery. Tantra coaching, Tantra bodywork and Tantra counseling is an essential ingredient in the therapeutic treatment model of intimate afflictions.

With the latest research in neuroscience from leading neuro-scientists showing us what is happening in the brain of a client suffering with sexual trauma or an adult victim of childhood sexual abuse, the groundbreaking work of clinical psychologists and psychoanalysts, the essential ingredients necessary for successful recovery, provides positive results. These mechanisms for recovery include successful development and maintenance of healthy relationships both inside and outside of therapy.

During our sessions, we will explore how tantra therapists create a safe space for healing by establishing trust and setting boundaries during sessions. We will also delve into 12 powerful tantra techniques designed specifically for releasing trauma, such as breathwork exercises, body scanning meditation, chakra balancing practice, and sacred sexuality exploration.

You are invited to explore tantric healing and its transformative techniques to overcome emotional pain and reconnect with your inner self.