Medicine is found throughout the nature in plants and animals. When somebody mentions medicine, instantly our minds are directed to pharmaceuticals, doctors, and heath care facilities. As we know, the health care industry is not about health care and healing. The health care industry is about keeping people ill, sick and unwell. Big Pharma is NOT medicine. Pharmaceuticals are laboratory substances derived from chemical creations that raise havoc on your organs and neurology. Medicines originated as plant and animal based products hundreds and possibly thousands of years ago. Such practices eventually became considered witch craft, sorcery, heathenism and blasphemy.

Did you know that nearly all pharmaceuticals have been developed from approximately 401 plant based extracts and 11 animal based products? Pharmaceuticals are “synthesized” from natural cures resourced from chemicals that “closely simulate” those remedies found in nature.

The Medical Associations and big pharma companies have successfully lobbied your representatives to make it unlawful to refer to centuries old plant based remedies as medicine, and that referring to such remedies as “medicine” can land you with a healthy fine or even jail! Every person who is in the health care industry does not want you to heal. Why? Because it is counterproductive to revenue continuity. They want you sick! They want you to be just on the edge of feeling better while they treat the symptoms and not the cause of the DIS-ease. That way you will continue to be a repeat customer spending your hard earned money on office visits and another pill.

The list of Plant Medicine Specialistsand visiting professionals from around the region is actively being extended. If you are a Plant Medicine Specialist and are interested in partnering, please contact the Opportunities Specialist via eMail for more information.