There is a difference between therapy and coaching. Depending on where you are in your recovery, you may find tremendous benefits from working with either kind of helping professional.
Therapists are the trauma surgeons, emergency room personnel and paramedics of the mental health and well being community. Coaches have their own tools, however they are not physicians.
A coach comes alongside their client to brainstorm, provide information, and examine potential decisions. A therapist can do all of these things, but they often also need to intervene at a deeper level to direct care, prescribe behavior and make choices on behalf of their client. A coach never takes that much control over a client’s life. Guide and encourage, yes. Command direction, never.
The Hindu is programmed to believe in life-after-death.
The Christian and the Muslim are programmed to believe in heaven and hell.
The rationalist is programmed to deny all beliefs.
The terrorist is programmed to believe in honor killing.
The poor man is programmed to believe in his fate.
The rich man is programmed to believe he is not accountable.
The Communist is programmed to rage against democracy, and vice-versa.