The core values are felt completely and holistically represents what could be described as the “Spiritual Core” of a community. The center of this is living for the Highest Good of all, which embraces both diversity and Oneness. With this, each are seen as expressions of each other and all aspects of spirituality and non-spirituality that includes (and is definitely not limited to) Jesus, Yahweh, God, Buddha, Krishna, Mandela, Mohammed, Sai Baba, Waka Tankan, Ramana, or Something else. We do our best to live a life of acceptance, love, respect and understanding for all; and we feel that God, The Creator, The Universe, Source, The All, or whatever label one wishes to call It, does the same. Amansala Retreat and Wellness Center does not endorse nor subscribe to any one spiritual philosophy. We try to see the Divinity in all things and to honor this by living honorably with gratitude, contribution, cooperation, and service to each other, our planet, and the rest of our species.

We see life as a spiritual experience and personal growth, sharing everything we do, working together for positive global impact. We focus on fulfilling living practices that include building, designing and creating tangible and intangible existence and realities, playing music, making art, spending time with our friends and families, and the conscious practice of happiness. We see all aspects of living as spiritual practices that may or may not be associated with a particular belief system, religion or spiritual practice. We respect all individual’s choices to participate or not participate in activities aligned with their values.



ARWC is focused on practicing acceptance and unconditional love for one another to create peace and happiness on this planet and the YOU-niverse. In the spirit of this, we realize an opportunity to create and maintain a community that embraces and encourages inclusion and unconditional love, globally demonstrating this with diverse beliefs and perspectives. We focus on human commonalities, cultivate kindness, and help develop holistic solutions for everyone.


Spirituality Based Decisions


Our decision making is based on the value of “Spirituality” and is applied by asking ourselves the following three key questions:

  • Are we being conscious of all belief systems and acting and creating for maximum inclusiveness?
  • Are we respecting different perspectives and creating solutions for all, including non-participants?
  • Are we demonstrating open-mindedness, free thinking, diverse philosophies and the Highest Good?


Practicing Religion at ARWC

Creating a diverse community means people who want to practice an organized religion will naturally do so. Individuals who choose specific religious and/or spiritual practices may do so during their free time. This may be perceived as an opportunity for learning and enriching our environment through representation of diverse beliefs and cultures on a global level.

It is an individual’s choice if they prefer to NOT participate in any religious or spiritual practice that an individual or group may choose to organize. Just as the rights of people’s beliefs are recognized and respected, so are people’s right NOT to participate.